HEC Balochistan Postgraduate Scholarship 2022
HEC Announces the Postgraduate scholarship in all disciplines under the project “Provision of Higher Education Opportunities for the Students of Balochistan and FATA (Phase-II)”, Batch-V.
Applications are invited from the outstanding candidates having Domicile/Local Certificate of Balochistan and erstwhile FATA for award of Scholarships for Postgraduate studies in HEC-recognized public/private sector Universities/Degree Awarding Institutions of Pakistan.
Wonderful scholarship opportunity for balochistan and FATA Students by higher education commission HEC Islamabad. The students who want to continue their study for MS/Mphil degree programs in local universities these scholarships are for those, who’s from FATA and Balochistan.
Eligibility Criteria (Postgraduate Scholarships)
- Applicant must possess Local/Domicile Certificate from Balochistan Province/erstwhile FATA.
- Applicants must have completed 16 years education with at least 60% marks.
- Maximum age is 35 years as on Closing Date.
- Applicants must have acquired the requisite academic qualifications on or before the closing date.
- The Applicants who are already availing any other HEC/Government scholarship are NOT eligible to apply.
- The Applicants will have to meet HEC and University criteria for admission in MS programs.
Important Note:
- Scholarships will be awarded on merit and District/Agency Quota.
- Candidates will be short-listed on the basis of Aptitude Test (conducted by HEC) score and Academic credentials scores.
- The scholarship distribution ratio for the students of Balochistan & FATA is 50:50.
For further details, please visit http://www.hec.gov.pk
How to Apply (Postgraduate Scholarships)
- Applicants are required to submit application online through HEC website https://eportal.hec.gov.pk/bfap
- HEC reserves the right to postpone or cancel the scholarship process at any stage without assigning any reason.
- Please read the below advertisement in detail and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) before filling out the online application form.
Last date of receipt of applications:
- The last date for submission of the online application form is Monday, Dec 19, 2022
- Application in Hard form will not be entertained.